Your support & co-operation will help us in the progress & development of the school and Children. Parents & teachers are partners in the education of the School Children. Therefore regular & meaningful communication between school & home is necessary. (The School office will always be available to discuss the welfare/progress of the children).
We attach great importance to the identification and achievement of personal goals and special stress is laid on planning implementation and evaluation of the decisions through participation in classrooms interactions sporting recreations and physical activities. Students will develop and practice these skills. Students who possess sound self-management skills are better able to identify and avoid health risks, enhance their mental health and well being as well as plan for their future.
The repaid progress of the school and children largely depends on the co-operation of the parents/ guardians & the staff of the school. Parents are earnestly requested to co-operate with the school in enforcing regularity and discipline in the children.
Let us all co-operate and channelize our endeavor to achieve our goal-making our children SUCCESSFUL & RESPONSIBLE citizens of India. May Allah almighty crown us all with a success in our pursuit.